Defining the Scope of Crime of False Advertisement
DOI: 10.12677/OJLS.2017.52004, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,525  浏览: 3,234  科研立项经费支持
作者: 殷 健, 刘晓莉:东北师范大学政法学院,吉林 长春
关键词: 广告虚假广告虚假广告罪广告代言人Advertising False Advertising False Advertising Crime Advertising Spokesmen
摘要: 我国广告业的迅猛发展,取得了令人可喜的成绩,但与此同时由于国家法制及监管体制不完善等方面的原因,虚假广告所带来的危害也成为有目共睹的事实。刑法第222条关于虚假广告罪的主体仅规定了“广告主、广告经营者和广告发布者”,面对虚假广告罪主体资格不明确以及虚假广告罪主体范围狭窄这两大困境,在刑法第222条原规定的三个主体之后增加“广告代言人”这一主体,并在司法解释中将这四个主体明确为包括自然人、法人和其他组织在内的任何主体成为目前刑事立法上的当务之急。
Abstract: The rapid development of China’s advertising industry has made gratifying achievements. Mean-while, the corresponding harm brought by false advertisement has been an inevitable and severe problem as the result of some governmental issues such as incomplete and defective national legal and regulatory system. In accordance with the provisions of Article 222 of Criminal Law, the subject of inveracious advertisement crime is only stipulated within advertiser, and advertising publisher. In regard to another two critical issues, namely the undefined qualification of the subject of inveracious advertisement crime and narrow coverage of the subject of inveracious advertisement crime, it seems to be imperative for criminal legislation to add the subject of advertising spokesmen onto Article 222 of Criminal Law based on the other three original subjects and clarify these four subjects into any subject including natural person, legal person, and other organizations in the juridical interpretation.
文章引用:殷健, 刘晓莉. 虚假广告罪主体范围界定[J]. 法学, 2017, 5(2): 19-27. https://doi.org/10.12677/OJLS.2017.52004


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