Research on the Optimization Measures of Intelligent Substation Network Clock Synchronization Applications
DOI: 10.12677/HJWC.2017.72012, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,573  浏览: 4,004  科研立项经费支持
作者: 雷雨田:国网湖南省电力公司,湖南 长沙 ;何银国, 徐志强, 陈 剑:国网湖南省电力公司,经济技术研究院,湖南 长沙
关键词: 智能变电站时钟同步优化措施Intelligent Substation Clock Synchronization Optimization Measures
摘要: 针对智能变电站业务同步精度影响业务服务质量问题,本文开展智能变电站网络时钟同步应用优化措施研究。首先对当前网络时钟同步技术进行分析比较;结合智能变电站对时钟同步精度的实际要求以及变电站业务实际业务应用的同步需求,从冗余组网、独立网络拓扑和分层对时等方面,通过典型实例阐述同步优化措施,从而实现智能变电站网络时钟同步应用优化的目的。
Abstract: This paper carries out research on the optimization measures of intelligent substation network clock synchronization applications, aiming at the problem that intelligent substation synchronization precision affects the quality of business services business. First of all, the current network clock synchronization technologies are analyzed and compared. Then, the synchronous optimization measures are introduced through the typical examples in terms of redundant network, independent topology and layered synchronization, considering the intelligent substation actual requirements for precision clock synchronization and synchronization requirements of substation practical business applications. Thereby, the purpose of optimizing intelligent substation network clock synchronization applications is realized.
文章引用:雷雨田, 何银国, 徐志强, 陈剑. 智能变电站网络时钟同步应用优化措施研究[J]. 无线通信, 2017, 7(2): 97-102.


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