A Summary of Simulation Model in Ship’s Power System
DOI: 10.12677/DSC.2017.63012, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,659  浏览: 3,611 
作者: 杨叔华, 梁前超:海军工程大学,湖北 武汉 ;焦宇飞:浙江宁波某装备部,浙江 宁波
关键词: 柴油机燃气轮机仿真模型Diesel Engine Gas Turbine Simulation Model
摘要: 本文研究了各种船舶动力系统仿真模型问题,讨论了船舶动力装置系统仿真设计的复杂性。船舶动力系统仿真模型包括涡轮增压柴油机仿真系统模型、燃气轮机仿真系统模型、联合动力系统模型及它们在船舶动力装置中的应用。
Abstract: In this paper, the simulation model of ship’s power system is studied. And the complexity of simu-lation design in ship’s power system is discussed. A simulation model of the ship’s power system include the model of a turbocharged diesel engine, gas turbine, combined power system and the application in ship’s equipment.
文章引用:杨叔华, 梁前超, 焦宇飞. 船舶动力系统仿真模型综述[J]. 动力系统与控制, 2017, 6(3): 91-97. https://doi.org/10.12677/DSC.2017.63012


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