Recursion of Life Cycle
DOI: 10.12677/TCM.2017.62009, PDF, HTML, XML,  被引量 下载: 1,615  浏览: 3,716  科研立项经费支持
作者: 李宗谚:长庚大学传统中医研究所,台湾 桃园;张恒鸿:中国医药大学中医学院,台湾 台中;陈维熊:阳明大学医学院,台湾 台北
关键词: 生命浑沌老化Life Chaos Entropy Ageing
摘要: 《易经•乾卦》:「乾道变化,各正性命。」生命在哲学上指向万物的秉性天赋。自有人类以来生命的问题就是一个迷倒众生的大哉问。生命何以生,生命何以亡,把生命放在人类所有尺度中观察其现象可说是最复杂,但本质上也可能是最简单,所以生命的问题倒是可以从生命本身的恒动来回答。如果持续不断累积的质量能使重力压垮一切物质,何以人类可以恰恰处于混沌的临界边际,占尽所有的好处,并且适切的扮演生机无限的能量吸纳者。秩序是依基因的稳定性为前提,但身体的运作、能量的代谢是处于创造混沌的过程,朝向熵值增加率最低的状态去平衡成了唯一的选择。活动的身体从负熵的条件平衡熵值增加,只有系统被导向熵值增加率最低的平衡状态,才意味着死亡。因此意味着衰老可能不是时间尺度的长短,是空间经纬移动难易的向量观点。因为当生命接近最终的平衡点,身体会被导向熵值增加率最低的状态发展,此意思则是没有边际效应、没有适应、没有混乱,当然也再没有发展生命多样性的可能,如此,逝去的再也回不来。
Abstract: “Yì jīng • qián guà”: “`Qián dào biànhuà, gè zhèng xìngmìng. The chaotic pathways change. The life may transform.” Life is an innate gift to all things in a philosophy mettle talent. The topic of life is still a sentient question since the beginning of mankind’s history. Where life can be born, how to die of life, the life on all scales of its phenomenon of human being can be said to be the most complexity, but in essence may also be the most simple, so the answer of life can be from the life itself. The continuous accumulation of quality can make crushable gravity and destroy all the material. Why human beings can be in the chaos of the critical margin and take all the benefits as well as play the appropriate role in the infinite energy absorbers? The order is a prerequisite for the stability of the genes expression, but the motion of the body and the energy metabolism are in the process of chaos creation. Developing towards the lowest entropy growth rate of the state has become the only choice for life stability. The activity of the body makes negative entropy to resist equilibrium entropy, and only the system is guided to the biggest entropy growth rate in final equilibrium state, which is a means of death. In such a corollary that ageing may not be the time scale about the length, it is a point of view about the latitude and longitude of the vector space. When life is close to the final equilibrium state, the body will be guided to the lowest rate of entropy accumulation. This means no marginal effect, no adaptation, no confusion, and of course, there is no possibility of developing life diversity, and so, what has gone no longer comes back again.
文章引用:李宗谚, 张恒鸿, 陈维熊. 生命兴衰的可能回馈[J]. 中医学, 2017, 6(2): 46-50. https://doi.org/10.12677/TCM.2017.62009


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