Investigating the Motion-Event Structure of the Go55 Verb-Directional Constructions in Hakka
摘要: 本文以客语“过”的动趋结构为研究对象,并运用Talmy (1985, 2000a, 2000b)对位移事件的分类,了解表达路径义的形式是动词还是卫星,初步定位客语为混合型框架语言[1] [2] [3]。在结构语义层面,本文整理“过”作为趋向动词和补语在动趋结构的语言表现;在跨方言比较层面,客语和华语“过”的语言表现十分相似,但值得注意的差异是客语动趋式允许添加中插成分,呈现动词和趋向补语间不紧密的关系。其次,客语次方言在动趋式之句法及其语义较为一致,主要差异在于词汇层次。
Abstract: Applying Talmy’s (1985, 2000a, 2000b) model of motion events, this study examines the three types of motion event exhibited by Hakka go55 verb-directional constructions and investigates their respective syntactic and semantic complexities. The result shows that similar to Mandarin Chinese, Hakka belongs to the split type since path is expressed by both directional verbs and complements, and is particularly encoded by directional complements in agentive motion events. However, Hakka differs from Mandarin Chinese since the degree of fusion between verbs and di-rectional complements in Hakka is not as high as that in Mandarin Chinese. And further, Hakka sub-dialects show consistency in syntactic structures and structural semantics while the major contrast is found at the lexical level.
文章引用:刘晓茜. 探究客语“过”动趋结构之位移事件[J]. 现代语言学, 2017, 5(2): 115-123. https://doi.org/10.12677/ML.2017.52017


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