Based on the Catenary Equation Analysis of the Mooring System State
DOI: 10.12677/AAM.2017.63035, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 2,561  浏览: 6,277  科研立项经费支持
作者: 郭迎雪:青岛理工大学机械工程学院,山东 青岛;姚晴:青岛理工大学汽车与交通学院,山东 青岛;樊懿锋*:青岛理工大学计算机工程学院,山东 青岛;李宗军, 范兴奎:青岛理工大学理学院,山东 青岛
关键词: 系泊系统悬链线方程泰勒级数展开静力平衡Mooring System Catenary Equation Taylor Series Expansion Static Equilibrium
摘要: 根据调整锚链的型号、长度和重物球的质量,确定浮标的吃水深度和游动区域及钢桶的倾斜角度的极小值。本文分为两个部分对系泊系统的设计作系统的研究。首先,在考虑单一参数变化的情况下,运用隔离法依次对传输节点的各个结构进行受力分析,其中,锚链可近似看成一条悬链线,利用泰勒级数展开进行公式处理。其次,在综合考虑风力、水流力和水深的情况下,由力和力矩的平衡条件建立模型,确定出锚链型号、长度、重物球的质量,并分析求解不同参数变化下钢桶、钢管的倾角,锚链形状,浮标的吃水深度和游动区域。最后,运用MATLAB对各个非线性方程组编写算法以及提供图形描述,并对整个模型进行了合理性检验与客观的优缺点评价,以及在其他领域的推广使用,并提出了在受力分析上的改进,提高了模型的实用性与现实性。
Abstract: According to adjusting the type and length of the anchor chain model, and mass of the ball, the draft depth and moving area and the minimum value of the inclined angle of the buoy are determined. This article is divided into two parts to make a systematic study on the design of mooring system. Firstly, in the case of single parameter change, using the method of isolation to make the force analysis towards each structure of the transmission node in turn, the anchor chain can be regarded as a catenary, and Taylor series expansion is used for formula processing. Secondly, in the comprehensive consideration of the balance conditions of wind, drag force and water depth, the balance conditions of force and torque are established to determine the type of anchor chain model, length and weight of the ball, and analyze the tilt angle of steel drum and steel pipe, anchor’s shape, and draft depth and moving area of buoy under different parameters. Finally, using MATLAB to write algorithm of each nonlinear equations and provide graphic description, and has carried on the reasonable test and objective advantages and disadvantages evaluation about whole model, and the promotion in other areas, and has put forward the improvement on stress analysis, improve the practicability and reality of the model.
文章引用:郭迎雪, 姚晴, 樊懿锋, 李宗军, 范兴奎. 基于悬链线方程的系泊系统状态分析[J]. 应用数学进展, 2017, 6(3): 296-307. https://doi.org/10.12677/AAM.2017.63035


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