A Corpus-Based Study on Chinese and Foreign Translators’ Style—A Case Analysis of Translations of Jing Ye Si
DOI: 10.12677/ML.2017.52025, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,641  浏览: 2,564 
作者: 吕慧俭:中国石油大学(北京),北京
关键词: 《静夜思》语料库译者风格定量分析Jing Ye Si Parallel Corpus Translators’ Style Quantitative Analysis
摘要: 本文基于自建的《静夜思》英汉平行语料库,在词汇和句法两个层面对《静夜思》的60个英译文的语言特征进行定量分析,探讨中外译者的风格差异。分析结果表明:译出本词汇简洁、动词化特征突出、长短句均衡;译入本词汇丰富、名词化特征显著、长句多于短句。本文认为中国译者侧重传播中国传统文化,强调翻译的准确性和完整性,而外国译者意在于便于本国读者阅读和理解,重简化和可读性。
Abstract: Based on the self-established parallel corpus of Jing Ye Si consisting of sixty English translations (of which thirty-six are out-translating, while twenty-four are in-translating), the thesis comparatively analyzed the differentiae between Chinese and foreign translators’ style at the lexical and syntactic levels according to the Skopostheorie. The research demonstrated the main differences of out-translating and in-translating consist in that out-translating is characterized by concise words, verbalization and balance between long and short sentences, whereas the features of in-translating are diversified words, normalization and more long sentences. The reasons of diversity lie in that Chinese translators intend to popularize Chinese traditional culture, highlighting accuracy and integrity, while foreign translators aim at facilitating the comprehension of readers and emphasizing simplification and acceptability.
文章引用:吕慧俭. 基于语料库的中外译者风格研究—以《静夜思》60个英译本为例[J]. 现代语言学, 2017, 5(2): 185-191. https://doi.org/10.12677/ML.2017.52025


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