商业 + 公益:中小企业商业模式创新的一种选择—基于台湾社会企业的案例分析
Business + Commonweal: A Choice of Business Model Innovation for Small and Medium Sized Enterprises—A Case Study of Social Enterprises in Taiwan
DOI: 10.12677/MM.2017.73010, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 2,063  浏览: 4,164  科研立项经费支持
作者: 李 鑫*:云南大学滇池学院,云南 昆明;云南大学工商管理与旅游管理学院,云南 昆明;张 灿:云南大学滇池学院,云南 昆明
关键词: 社会企业商业 + 公益商业模式创新中小企业Social Enterprise Business + Commonweal Business Model Innovation Small and Medium Sized Enterprises
摘要: 作为一种新型的经济形态,社会企业是兼顾社会价值与盈利能力的组织。它为应对某个社会问题而生,通过创新的商业力量解决相应社会问题,实现社会效益和经济效益的双赢。社会企业的创新实践巧妙地将商业与公益并存,其商业理念和商业模式的创新为中小企业的成长提供了重要参考。本文以台湾知名社会企业“若水”和“多扶”为商业案例,通过梳理提炼其商业理念和商业模式创新,发现在各种社会危机集体涌现的今天,注重社会议题和社会危机的企业将获得更高的社会认可度和接受度。因此,对于面临激烈竞争环境的中小企业来说,转变商业理念,重新定义市场和客户需求,主动应对社会问题,从社会问题的解决过程中探寻商机未尝不是一种选择。
Abstract: As a new economic form, social enterprise is an organization that takes into account both social value and profitability. It is born to deal with a social problem, and it solves social problems through innovative business forces, in order to achieve social and economic benefits. The innovative activity of social enterprise cleverly implements the coexistence of business and public welfare, which is an important reference of business philosophy and model innovation for small and medium sized enterprises. Based on the empirical case study of Taiwanese famous social enterprises Duofu and Flow, this paper refines their business philosophy and business model innovation and discovers that the more an enterprise focuses on social issues, the higher degree of social acceptance will be achieved. Therefore, for those small and medium sized enterprises that are under fierce competition, it will be a good choice to transform business philosophy, redefine market and customer needs, actively participate in the solution of social problems, and explore opportunities from the solving process of social problems.
文章引用:李鑫, 张灿. 商业 + 公益:中小企业商业模式创新的一种选择—基于台湾社会企业的案例分析[J]. 现代管理, 2017, 7(3): 63-70. https://doi.org/10.12677/MM.2017.73010


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