The Evolution of Corporate Social Responsibility—Illustrated with IKEA
DOI: 10.12677/ASS.2017.66089, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 3,135  浏览: 5,429  科研立项经费支持
作者: 王艾林, 王文琪, 曾丽凤, 齐丽云:大连理工大学管理与经济学部,辽宁 大连
关键词: 企业社会责任演进案例研究宜家Corporate Social Responsibility Evolution Case Study IKEA
摘要: 本研究将企业社会责任演技阶段划分为被动阶段、认知阶段和主动阶段,从企业文化、发展目标、相关政策、信息公开度、监管措施、利益相关者关系和社会影响力七个维度来对演进阶段进行界定。本文以宜家为案例进行讨论,通过阅读2011~2014年度可持续发展报告,对宜家的企业社会责任演进阶段进行划分和分析。通过研究我们得到,企业会通过对企业社会责任意识的逐渐加深,在理念、承诺和行为方面会进行不断地完善,最后主动并号召更多的企业承担起企业社会责任。本研究从过程演进的角度出发,总结企业社会责任发展过程中各阶段的关键行为,对处于企业社会责任发展期的企业起到借鉴的作用。
Abstract: This study divides the phase of corporate social responsibility into passive stage, cognitive stage and active stage defining the evolution period from the seven dimensions of the corporate culture, development goals, policies, information disclosure, regulatory measures, stakeholder relations and social influence. In this paper, we illustrated with IKEA, by reading the 2011-2014 annual Sustainability Report, we finished the division and analysis of the evolution of IKEA’s corporate social responsibility. From the research we found that enterprises will gradually deepen the awareness of corporate social responsibility, in the aspects of concept, behavior and commitment will continue to improve, and finally call for more enterprises to undertake the social responsibi- lity of the enterprise actively. The study starts from the process evolution, summarizes the key behavior of each stage in the development of corporate social responsibility, and plays an important role in the development of corporate social responsibility.
文章引用:王艾林, 王文琪, 曾丽凤, 齐丽云. 企业社会责任演进过程探析—以宜家(IKEA)为例[J]. 社会科学前沿, 2017, 6(6): 634-643.


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