Discussion on Non-Profit Organization and Transformation of Government Functions—A Case of Zhongyi Ageing Development Center (ZYAC)
摘要: 当今中国政府在发挥公共服务功能的过程中,因其直接微观的履行职能,在解决具体问题上仍承担着较大的压力,尤其是直面具体民生问题的基层政府。非营利公益组织这种“第三部门”的理论与实践发展,为进一步推动基层政府职能转变开辟了新路,使政府回归“宏观调控”的管理者角色。将第三方管理理论作为解释政府与非营利部门在社会治理中的关系的一个视角,以中益老龄事业发展中心为例,通过对其组织结构、运行模式的分析,有利于对非营利性公益组织在基层政府职能转变中的作用进行浅要的阐述。
Abstract: Today, the Chinese government, in particular the grassroots government facing the issue of spe-cific livelihood issues is undertaking a lot of pressures because of its direct government micro- management in the process of public service function. Non-profit organization is a kind of “the third sector”, whose development of theory and practice has opened up new roads to further the transformation of government functions at the grassroots level, enabling the government to re-turn to the role of “macro-control” regulators. Using the third-party government theory as a view of explaining the relationship of government and non-profit organization in the process of social governance to analyze Zhongyi Ageing Development Center (ZYAC) through the analysis of its structure and operation mode is helpful to discuss the role of non-profit organization in transformation of government functions.
文章引用:杨天威. 浅析非营利性公益组织与基层政府职能转变—以中益老龄事业发展中心为例[J]. 社会科学前沿, 2017, 6(6): 659-666. https://doi.org/10.12677/ASS.2017.66092


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