The Relation of Parent-Child Communication and Academic Achievement among Pupils: The Mediation of Learning Engagement
DOI: 10.12677/ASS.2017.66096, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,951  浏览: 5,263 
作者: 陈秀珠, 赖伟平:华南师范大学心理学院,广东 广州
关键词: 小学生亲子沟通学习投入学业成就Pupil Parent-Child Communication Learning Engagement Academic Achievement
摘要: 目的:探讨小学生的亲子沟通、学业成就以及学习投入三者之间的关系,并且检验学习投入是否在小学生的亲子沟通与学业成就之间起到中介作用。方法:对广州400名小学5,6年级的学生进行问卷调查,数据用SPSS19.0统计软件分析处理。结果:1) 亲子沟通的质量影响小学生的学习投入,并且两者间的相关达到显著水平。2) 小学生的学习投入影响其学业成就,并且两者间的相关达到显著水平。3) 亲子沟通的质量影响小学生的学业成就,并且两者间的相关达到显著水平。4) 引入学习投入这一变量后,亲子沟通对学业成就预测的显著性水平有所降低,即学业投入在小学生的亲子沟通和学业成就之间存在部分中介作用。结论:亲子沟通通过小学生的学习投入最终影响其学业成就。
Abstract: Objective: To explore the relation between parent-child communication, academic achievement and learning engagement, and to test whether learning engagement plays a mediating role be-tween parent-child communication and academic achievement. Methods: A sample of total 400 pupils of Grade 5 and 6 in Guangzhou was assessed on measures of their parent-child communication, academic achievement and learning engagement. The data were analyzed with statistical software SPSS19.0. Results: 1) Parent-child communication has a significant influence on pupils’ academic achievements. 2) Learning engagement has a significant influence on pupils’ academic achievements. 3) There is a significant correlation between parent-child communication and learning engagement. 4) Variable of learning engagement is introduced to parent-child communication; its prediction on academic achievement had lower level of significance. Conclusions: Learning engagement of pupil partially plays a meditation role between their parent-child communication and academic achievement.
文章引用:陈秀珠, 赖伟平. 亲子沟通与小学生学业成就的关系:学习投入的中介作用[J]. 社会科学前沿, 2017, 6(6): 686-693. https://doi.org/10.12677/ASS.2017.66096


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