Known through Interview-Diagnosis by Inquiry: Study to the Theory and Technology of Huang Di Nei Jing
DOI: 10.12677/MD.2017.72005, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,543  浏览: 3,749  科研立项经费支持
作者: 吴丽莉:上海中医药大学曙光医院病理科,上海;潘亚敏:上海中医药大学曙光医院内镜科,上海;高也陶:澳门医学专业诊疗中心,澳门
关键词: 问诊黄帝内经十问歌Diagnosis by Inquiry Huang Di Nei Jing Song of Ten Inquiry
摘要: 言而可知一词出自《黄帝内经》,直指可以通过问诊诊断疾病。自古以来,就是传统中医四大诊断方法之一。随着现代医学的发展,各种传统中医所不能行之诊断治疗手段层出不穷,因此,问诊排在四诊之首的呼声渐高。本文发掘《黄帝内经》问诊理论,发现《黄帝内经》所说的:言而可知和问而极之的问诊理论和技术,仍然具有现代科学的意义;并整理出在临床诊疗过程中需要问及的16个方面,与《十问歌》进行了对比。
Abstract: The word, Known through Interview is from Huang Di Nei Jing. It is the one of four diagnostic facilities of traditional Chinese medicine. With the development of modern medicine, the new equipments of medical diagnosis are coming out in an unending flow. The voice is getting high for the diagnosis by inquiry. We explore the theory of diagnosis by inquiry from Huang Di Nei Jing and find it still the meaning of modern science. We put in order the 16 fields which we should ask patients in the clinic diagnosis and compare them with Song of Ten Inquiry.
文章引用:吴丽莉, 潘亚敏, 高也陶. 言而可知/问诊:《黄帝内经》理论与技术的现代研究[J]. 医学诊断, 2017, 7(2): 22-28. https://doi.org/10.12677/MD.2017.72005


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