Pneumatic Shape Design and Pneumatic Analysis of Wing Body Fusion Aircraft
摘要: 本文根据以往翼身融合体飞机的一些设计经验,设计了一种翼身融合体飞机气动外形,并研究分析了翼身融合体飞机初始模型在不同风速和迎角的情况下的气动特性。利用CATIA生成翼身融合体飞机初始模型,由于考虑到该型飞机的具体尺寸、选用翼型以及制作重量,所以飞机的巡航速度设计为30 m/s,通过风洞实验和FLUENT计算流体力学软件计算得出初始翼身融合体飞机模型的速度云图和压力云图以及初始模型飞机周围流场分布情况,然后根据FLUENT计算流体力学软件得出的初始模型流场分布情况,确定4种在初始模型基础上经过改进的模型,分别为涡流器模型、翼梢小翼模型、鸭翼模型、平尾模型,研究经过改进的4个模型气动特性(包括升力系数,阻力系数,升阻比)随速度和迎角的影响的思路是:建立精确的改进涡流器模型、改进翼梢小翼模型、改进鸭翼模型、改进平尾模型,利用CFD计算流体力学软件计算在不同风速迎角分别从−4˚到14˚下飞机的气动特性,并分析在不同速度和迎角下的飞机的气动特性随迎角的变化规律,为今后翼身融合飞机的安全高效飞行提供理论依据。并对改进的4种模型在不同速度和迎角下的升阻比等气动特性与初始模型进行对比,再根据不同的改进模型在不同飞行状态下所具有的气动特性探讨其改进模型的用途及其发展价值。
Abstract: This article based on the design experience of wing body fusion aircraft before designed a wing body fusion aircraft aerodynamic shape, and analyzed initial model of the wing fusion aircraft with different wind speed and angle of attack. In the process of research, CATIA was used to generate the initial model of wing body fusion aircraft. Taking into account the specific size of the aircraft, the choice of airfoil and for weight, the cruise speed of the aircraft is designed to be 30 m/s. Through the wind tunnel experiment and FLUENT computational fluid dynamics soft-ware calculations, we can get the initial model of wing fusion aircrafts speed cloud and pressure cloud and the distribution of the surrounding flow field. On the basis of FLUENT computational fluid dynamics software and the distribution of the surrounding flow field, four improved models based on the initial model were identified: Eddy swirl model, wingtip winglet model, canyon model, and flat tail model. This paper researched the aerodynamic performance of the four improved wing-body fusion aircraft models at different angles of attack and wind speed (including lift coefficient, drag coefficient, lift drag ratio). The idea of the impact is to establish an accurate improved swirl model, to improve the wing winglet model, to improve the duck wing model, to improve the flat tail model. The research has used CFD to calculate the aerody-namic characteristics of the airplane at different wind of angles at −4˚ to 14˚, and analyzed the aerodynamic characteristics of the aircraft at different speeds and angles of attack. It can pro-vide a theoretical basis for the safe and efficient flight of the aircraft. This research compared the aerodynamic characteristics of the improved four models with the initial model at different speeds and angles of attack. And then it used the aerodynamic characteristics of different im-proved models under different flight states to explore the use of the improved model and its development value.
文章引用:吴峰, 王细洋, 江善元, 曹雪宇, 石领先. 翼身融合体飞机气动外形设计及分析[J]. 国际航空航天科学, 2017, 5(2): 99-117. https://doi.org/10.12677/JAST.2017.52012


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