Research on Dust Absorption of MOX Fuel Pellet Dry Grinding Process with Pulse Back-flush Industrial Dust Collector
DOI: 10.12677/NST.2017.53017, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,622  浏览: 4,211 
作者: 苏荣, 周慧, 毛建中:湖南大学机械与运载工程学院,湖南 长沙;魏定池:中国核电工程有限公司郑州分公司,河南 郑州
关键词: 粉尘吸收MOX燃料芯块扰流板反吹原理三级过滤Dust Absorption MOX Fuel Pellet Spoiler Anti Blow Principle Three-Stage Filtration
摘要: 针对MOX燃料(钚铀氧化物混合燃料)芯块磨削生产线粉尘吸收问题,结合国内外现有的除尘技术及MOX燃料芯块粉尘的性质,设计了一种基于过滤除尘技术,应用扰流板、反吹原理进行三级过滤的脉冲反吹工业集尘器,使磨削产生的0.3 μm粒度以上的粉尘的吸收率达到99%,无二次污染。并将该集尘器应用于模拟MOX燃料芯块磨削试验研究中,与管道系统,风机及控制测试辅助装置等设计出一套除尘方案,经验证效果明显,证明了该集尘器的有效性,该设计方案的可行性。
Abstract: Aiming at the dust absorption problem of MOX fuel pellet grinding line, combined with the existing dust removal technology and the nature of MOX fuel pellet dust, this paper designs a filter named pulse backflush industrial dust collector, based on filter dust removal technology, using spoiler, and anti-blowing principle to filter for three times, which makes the dust particles above 0.3 μm be ab-sorbed by 99%, without secondary pollution. The dust collector is applied to the MOX fuel pellet grinding test, and a dust removal scheme is designed with the pipeline system, the fan and the con-trol test AIDS. The effect is obvious, thus the effectiveness of the dust collector and the feasibility of the design system are proved.
文章引用:苏荣, 周慧, 毛建中, 魏定池. 脉冲反吹工业集尘器吸收MOX燃料芯块干磨粉尘试验研究[J]. 核科学与技术, 2017, 5(3): 125-133. https://doi.org/10.12677/NST.2017.53017


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