The Surface Design of an Ultrasonic Detector
DOI: 10.12677/Design.2017.22002, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,630  浏览: 3,744 
作者: 陈为, 秦兴建:江苏开放大学,江苏 南京
关键词: 超声探测器曲面设计CATIA V5Ultrasonic Detector Surface Design CATIA V5
摘要: 运用CATIA软件对超声探测器进行了曲面设计。探讨了从前期的内部结构和效果图的导入到产品的曲面设计,并对所设计的曲面进行了检测,并达到了G1标准。其曲面设计刚中显柔,色彩使用美观大方,材料选用宜人舒适,人机设计独特合理,深受用户的青睐。
Abstract: Using the CATIA software, we design the surface of an ultrasonic detector. The internal structure and effect diagram were introduced into the surface of the product, and the designed surface was detected, which reached the standard G1. The product surface shows rigid-flexible combination, elegant colour, pleasant material and reasonable man-machine. These well received by customers.
文章引用:陈为, 秦兴建. 超声探测器的曲面设计[J]. 设计, 2017, 2(2): 9-15. https://doi.org/10.12677/Design.2017.22002


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