The Opportunities and Challenges of “Internet+” to Financial Management Education
DOI: 10.12677/MM.2017.74020, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,849  浏览: 7,229 
作者: 白 默, 高 阳, 段新宇:天津商业大学,天津
关键词: 互联网财务管理教育机遇挑战Internet+ Financial Management Education Opportunities Challenges
摘要: 随着互联网时代的到来,人类生产和生活方式正在发生翻天地覆的变革。财务管理作为企业经营管理活动的核心,这一重要地位使得财务管理教育在当今世界极具重要的作用。本文从“互联网+”背景出发,分析新形势下企业财务管理面对的机遇与挑战,探究互联网的发展给我国财务管理教育带来的新变化,并且提出了几点应对建议。
Abstract: With the advent of the Internet age, human production and lifestyle are changing dramatically. As the core of business management activities, the important position of financial management makes financial management education in today’s world play a very important role. Based on the background of “Internet+”, this paper analyzes the opportunities and challenges of financial management in the new situation, and explores the new changes brought by the development of Internet to our financial management education, and puts forward some suggestions.
文章引用:白默, 高阳, 段新宇. “互联网+”对财务管理教育带来的机遇和挑战[J]. 现代管理, 2017, 7(4): 140-144. https://doi.org/10.12677/MM.2017.74020


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