Research on Key Technologies of Humanoid Robot
摘要: 机器人是近年来随着人工智能的进步而得以迅速发展的多学科和技术相交叉结合的应用领域,仿人机器人是其中技术含量最高的研究热点之一。仿人机器人由于对外界环境和自身状态的认知限制、其自由度数量多、欠驱动等特点,其理论研究和实验室测试与实际应用之间的距离还相差很远。本文介绍了仿人机器人同时定位与地图构建(SLAM)、优化设计与仿真、足迹规划与建模、稳定控制与应用、目标识别与追踪等关键技术的发展现状以及未来展望,为仿人机器人的进一步研究提供参考依据。
Abstract: Robot is the application of multidisciplinary and technical combination in recent years with the rapid development of artificial intelligence. Humanoid robot becomes one of the hotspots of research because of its difficulty such as the limitation of cognition on environment and itself, the large number of DOFs and the under-actuation. So there is still a long distance from its theoretical research to practical application. In this paper some key technologies about humanoid robot are presented including simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM), optimal design and simulation, footprint planning and modeling, stable control and application, object recognition and tacking. Both existing achievements and future trends are discussed to provide reference for further investigation.
文章引用:吴峰华, 李连德, 王昊, 王悦勇, 姜娇, 陈思. 仿人机器人关键技术研究[J]. 人工智能与机器人研究, 2017, 6(3): 97-105. https://doi.org/10.12677/AIRR.2017.63011


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