A Study on Customer Satisfaction Model of Shared Cycling
DOI: 10.12677/ASS.2017.68156, PDF, HTML, XML,  被引量 下载: 2,814  浏览: 6,512 
作者: 吴 冰, 陈斯琪:同济大学经济与管理学院,上海
关键词: 共享单车共享经济顾客满意度感知价值顾客忠诚Shared Cycling Sharing Economy Customer Satisfaction Perceived Value Customer Loyalty
摘要: 2016年兴起的共享单车是典型的共享经济模式,管理和运营上尚存在诸多问题,但目前研究很少。本文以美国顾客满意度指数模型(ACSI)为基础,结合共享单车特征,将ACSI中的两个变量:顾客期望和感知质量替换成APP使用体验、单车使用体验和社会因素,建立共享单车顾客满意度模型。通过问卷调研,共收集478份有效问卷,采用SPSS20.0和Amos22.0对数据进行分析和实证研究。与研究假设一致:1) APP使用体验对共享单车使用体验有显著正向影响;2) 社会因素对APP使用体验有显著正向影响;3)社会因素对共享单车使用体验有显著正向影响;4) 社会因素对共享单车顾客感知价值有显著正向影响;5) 共享单车使用体验对顾客感知价值有显著正向影响;6) 共享单车感知价值对顾客满意度有显著正向影响;7) 顾客满意度对顾客忠诚度有显著正向影响;8) 顾客满意度对顾客抱怨有显著负向影响;9) 顾客抱怨对顾客忠诚度有显著负向影响。与研究假设不一致:1) APP使用体验对共享单车顾客感知价值无显著影响;2) APP使用体验对共享单车顾客满意度无显著影响;3) 社会因素对共享单车顾客满意度无显著影响。
Abstract: As a typical Shared Economic model, Sharing Cycle that emerged in 2016 has many problems in management and operation, but few studies have been touched on this field. Based on American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI) model, combined with the feature of the Shared Cycling, two variables in the ACSI: customer expectations and perception quality were replaced with APP Using Experiences, Shared Cycling Use Experiences and Social Factors to establish the Shared Cycling Customer Satisfaction model. Through the questionnaire investigation, 478 valid questionnaires were collected for data analysis and empirical research by using SPSS20.0 and Amos22.0. Consistent with the research hypotheses: 1) APP Using Experiences has a significant positive effect on Shared Cycling Use Experiences; 2) Social Factors have significant positive effects on APP Using Experiences; 3) Social Factors have significant positive effects on Shared Cycling Use Experiences; 4) Social Factors have significant positive effects on the customer perceived value; 5) Shared Cycling Use Experiences has a significant positive effect on the customer perceived value; 6) The perceived value has significant positive influence on the customer satisfaction; 7) Customer satisfaction has a significant positive effect on the customer loyalty; 8) Customer satisfaction has a significant negative effect on the customer complain; 9) Customer complain has a significant negative effect on the customer loyalty. Inconsistent with the research hypotheses: 1) APP Using Experiences has no influence on the customer perceived value; 2) APP Using Experiences has no influence on the customer satisfaction; 3) The social influence has no effect on the customer satisfaction.
文章引用:吴冰, 陈斯琪. 共享单车顾客满意度模型研究[J]. 社会科学前沿, 2017, 6(8): 1084-1093. https://doi.org/10.12677/ASS.2017.68156


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