The Review of the Effect of Facial Expression on Duration Perception
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2017.78130, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,693  浏览: 3,541  科研立项经费支持
作者: 田中赛, 田 宇, 黄希庭:西南大学心理学部,重庆
关键词: 面部表情时距知觉唤醒注意标量计时理论Facial Expression Duration Perception Arousal Attention Scalar Timing Theory
摘要: 面部表情通过所表达的情绪会影响个体的唤醒,也会对个体的注意产生影响。唤醒和注意是影响时距知觉的主要因素,因此面部表情会影响时距知觉。已有大量研究探讨了面部表情对时距知觉的影响,发现不同面部表情对时距知觉的影响有所不同。文章首先梳理了高兴、愤怒、恐惧、悲伤和厌恶面部表情影响时距知觉的实证研究;然后,以标量计时理论对面部表情影响时距知觉的原因进行归纳和解释;最后,提出该领域未来的研究方向:探讨眼睛在面部表情影响时距知觉中的作用,以及面部表情对秒上、秒下时距知觉的影响。
Abstract: The emotion which is expressed by facial expression not only affects individual’s arousal, but also affects individual’s attention. As arousal and attention are the main factors that affect duration perception, facial expressions can affect duration perception. A lot of studies have investigated the influence of facial expression on duration perception, and found that the influence on duration perception is different across facial expression. Present article reviewed empirical researches about the influence of facial expression on duration perception including joy, anger, fear, sadness and disgust. The scalar timing theory could be used to explain the reasons of how facial expression affects duration perception. Future studies should aim at the following two aspects: the effect of eye on facial expression affecting duration perception, and the influence of facial expression on sub-second and supra-second duration perception.
文章引用:田中赛, 田宇, 黄希庭 (2017). 面部表情对时距知觉的影响研究综述. 心理学进展, 7(8), 1037-1044. https://doi.org/10.12677/AP.2017.78130


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