Research on the Disciplines Promotion of Higher Vocational Education Based on the Reform of Supply Side
DOI: 10.12677/ASS.2017.69164, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,519  浏览: 2,586  科研立项经费支持
作者: 成 文:湖北财税职业学院,湖北 武汉
关键词: 供给侧改革高职教育专业提升Supply Side Reform Higher Vocational Education Disciplines Promotion
摘要: 以提质、增效为核心的供给侧结构性改革,对我国高职教育提出了挑战。这些挑战表现为:结构性的供给侧改革需要高职教育提供新型人才,供给侧改革要求高职教育针对不同对象提供差异化的服务,以及经济新常态下要求高职教育差异化发展。但是,我国目前高职教育中存在的专业设置结构不合理、高度同质化、与区域经济脱节以及专业口径窄等问题,不能满足供给侧改革的需要。高职教育需要调整专业结构、强化工匠精神教育、修炼专业内功和提高人才培养的适应性。
Abstract: The structural reform of the supply side with the quality and efficiency as the core puts forward the challenge to the higher vocational education in our country. These challenges are as follows: structural supply side reform needs higher vocational education to provide new talents, supply side reform requires higher vocational education for different majors to provide differentiated services, and the new economy under the normal requirements of higher vocational education differentiation development. However, the professional structure of higher vocational education in our country is unreasonable, highly homogeneous, and the regional economy is out of touch and the professional caliber is narrow and so cannot meet the needs of supply side reform. Higher vocational education needs to adjust the discipline structure, strengthen the artisans’ spirit education, practice professional internal strength and improve the adaptability of personnel training.
文章引用:成文. 基于供给侧改革的高职教育专业提升研究[J]. 社会科学前沿, 2017, 6(9): 1150-1155. https://doi.org/10.12677/ASS.2017.69164


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