Chinese Strings “Resonance” Theory and the Formation Mechanism of Saturn’s Rings
DOI: 10.12677/AAS.2017.54005, PDF, HTML, XML,  被引量 下载: 2,004  浏览: 4,762 
作者: 伍岳明*:杭州师范大学,浙江 杭州
关键词: “共旋”弦理论自我复制电偶极子光环机制“Resonance” String Theory Self-Replication Electric Dipole Light Ring Mechanism
摘要: “共旋”弦理论是用物理方法探索爱因斯坦曾经追寻的引力与电磁力相统一的基础理论。在运用“简弦量”'物理方法推导“共旋”弦理论公式过程中,发现大自然赋予所有运动物质具有“自我复制”功能。认为引力波和电磁波(光波)均是星球'自转运动'的“自我复制”功能所致,土星和组成光环的碎冰块均由电偶极子组成,“共旋”弦理论在解释土星光环的形成机制的同时,也说明“共旋”弦理论得到大自然的验证。
Abstract: “Resonance” string theory is a basic theory, which Albert Einstein once pursued, to explore the uni-ty of gravitation and electromagnetic force by using physical method. In the process of deducing the formulas of “Resonance” string theory by means of the “simple string” method, it is found that nature endow all moving matter with the function of “self-replication”. It is believed that both of the gravitational waves and electromagnetic waves are resulted from the “self-replicating” functions of the planet’s rotation. It is also thought that Saturn and the crushed ice forming the light ring consist of electric dipole. The formation mechanism of Saturn’s rings can be explained by the “resonance” string theory. At the same time, it also suggests that the theory has been validated by nature.
文章引用:伍岳明. 炎黄子孙的“共旋”弦理论与土星光环的形成机制[J]. 天文与天体物理, 2017, 5(4): 29-44. https://doi.org/10.12677/AAS.2017.54005


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