The Preference for People with Facial Attractiveness—Explanations from Different Perspectives
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2017.710153, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,852  浏览: 2,291 
作者: 宋慧玲:湖南师范大学,教育科学学院,湖南 长沙
关键词: 面孔吸引性解释Facial Attractiveness Explanations
摘要: 美丽获益(beauty premium)现象在大量文献中被发现,对此,不同的研究者从不同的角度进行了解释。经济学家认为这种现象与个体对某一特定种族的偏见相似。社会学家用刻板印象进行解释,认为吸引性面孔激活了个体关于他们的积极的刻板印象,因此认为吸引性个体具有更好的品质和行为,所以表现出了对他们的偏爱。进化心理学家普遍认为对吸引性个体的偏爱是与求偶和有关,但是不同进化理论的解释侧重点有所不同。基于认知过程的解释认为并不存在对吸引性面孔的偏爱,个体只是偏爱平均化或典型性的面孔,而吸引性的面孔正好符合这一标准,因此才表现出对他们的偏爱。最后一个基于奖赏角度的解释认为,对吸引性面孔的偏爱是因为吸引性面孔具有奖赏价值,在观看这些面孔时激活了大脑中相关的奖赏系统。本综述对各个观点进行阐述,以便更全面的认识和理解个体对吸引性面孔的偏爱。
Abstract: The preference for people with facial attractiveness has been documented in the labor market, in social transactions in everyday life, and in studies involving experimental economic games. The taste-based discrimination model developed by economists suggest that attractiveness-related financial and prosocial biases are the result of preferences or prejudices similar to those displayed toward members of a particular sex, racial, ethnic, or religious group. Other explanations proposed by economists and social psychologists maintain that attractiveness is a marker of personality, intelligence, trustworthiness, professional competence, or productivity. Evolutionary psychologists have argued that attractive adults are favored because they are preferred sexual partners. The explanation based on cognitive process suggests that preferences for attractive faces result from the similarity to facial prototype, prototypical faces are processed more fluently, resulting in increased positive affect in the viewer. Finally, the explanation based on rewards suggests that it has nothing to do with genetic continuity, but stresses the rewarding property of attractiveness that results mainly from sociocultural value assignment and sexual experience pursuit. The present review aims to illustrate different explanations about the preference for people with facial attractiveness.
文章引用:宋慧玲 (2017). 对面孔吸引性个体的偏爱—基于不同角度的解释. 心理学进展, 7(10), 1233-1239. https://doi.org/10.12677/AP.2017.710153


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