Artificial Intelligence and Industry 5.0
DOI: 10.12677/AIRR.2017.64015, PDF, HTML, XML,  被引量 下载: 2,929  浏览: 6,293  科研立项经费支持
作者: 韩九强, 吴思佳, 张新曼:西安交通大学电子与信息工程学院,陕西 西安
关键词: 人工智能工业5.0工业革命智动化系统Artificial Intelligence Industry 5.0 Industrial Revolution Intelligentized Automation System
摘要: 通过对工业革命发展类人比较分析,得出了前四次工业革命的每一次都是以机器(广义机器)衍生出类人某种重要器官肌能的机器机能为标志,使得各种机器不断转型升级和广泛应用,从而形成工业X.0的发展规律。采用工业发展的这一规律,推论出类人认知学习能力的机器学习机能将引发第五次工业革命,诞生各种学习机能机器和广泛应用,即为工业5.0,并研究定义了工业5.0机器机能的定义。工业发展的这一规律为未来工业发展重点乃至科学研究方向提供了战略性的理论依据。依据工业5.0机器机能的定义,我们研制成功可体现工业5.0特征的一种群机器人智动化作业系统模型,为工业5.0智动化系统的关键技术研究奠定了试验基础和模型示范。
Abstract: A comparison of human-like attributes with machines in previous four industrial revolutions was performed in this study. Each industrial revolution was found to be symbolized by a machine that acquired an important humanoid organ function. The development of industry revolutions will provide strategic theory support for future industrial development and research direction. It was then applied to explore the higher level of function emerged in the next industrial revolution. We found that the fifth industrial revolution will be triggered by learning function, and all types of machines with learning function will continuously emerge, leading to Industry 5.0. On the basis of the definition of Industry 5.0, we developed a flexible intelligent swarm robotic system, which helps to research key technology of intelligentized automation system.
文章引用:韩九强, 吴思佳, 张新曼. 人工智能与工业5.0[J]. 人工智能与机器人研究, 2017, 6(4): 135-140. https://doi.org/10.12677/AIRR.2017.64015


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