Development Analysis of Post Quantum Cryptography
摘要: 量子计算的快速发展带给经典密码的巨大冲击使得人们将目光投向了抗量子密码体制的研究。随着量子时代的迫近,抗量子密码体制的研究步伐也在不断加快。本文回顾了以多变量公钥密码体制、基于Hash函数的数字签名、基于编码的密码体制和基于格的密码四类抗量子密码的发展历程,并结合迄今为止的八届国际抗量子密码年会展示了抗量子密码体制的最新进展。这些对今后抗量子密码的研究具有重要的参考价值。
Abstract: Since the rapid development of quantum computing brings great impacts to classical cryptography, people set their sights on the research of post quantum cryptography. Along with the approach of the quantum era, the pace of research on post quantum cryptography is accelerating. This paper reviews the development of four types of post quantum cryptography, which are multivariate public key cryptography, Hash-based digital signature, code-based cryptography and lattice-based cryptography. And then the latest progress of post quantum cryptography is presented based on all the eight International Workshops on Post-Quantum Cryptography. These are of great value as reference for future research on quantum cryptography.
文章引用:李强, 程庆丰, 李宏欣, 张军琪. 抗量子密码体制发展研究[J]. 计算机科学与应用, 2017, 7(11): 1089-1100. https://doi.org/10.12677/CSA.2017.711123


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