An Application of New Media Based on Body Part Recognition
DOI: 10.12677/CSA.2017.711124, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,349  浏览: 1,673  科研立项经费支持
作者: 侯建峰*, 曹伟承, 韩 畅, 徐娅微:北方工业大学计算机学院,北京
关键词: 增强现实部位识别新媒体Augmented Reality Body Part Recognition New Media
摘要: 针对增强现实作为新的宣传媒介应用到商业活动中以达到宣传企业文化、活跃现场气氛的目的,基于人体部位识别技术构建了一个基于人的肢体语言识别的增强现实应用,阐述了基于彩色图像识别人体部位、基于深度图像识别人体部位的关键技术和基于人体部位识别构建虚拟现实交互展示系统的技术方案,验证了应用这两种技术进行人体部位识别存在的优缺点和可交互的增强现实系统在商业活动中应用的效果。
Abstract: We apply augmented reality as a new media in business activities in order to publicize enterprise culture and active scene atmosphere. Based on the technology of human body part recognition, we construct an augmented reality system and elaborate the key technology about the recognition of human body part based on color and depth images. At the same time, we explain the technical scheme about the construction of virtual reality interactive display system based on human body part recognition, validate the advantages and disadvantages of using the two technologies to identify the human body and the effect of interactive augmented reality systems in business applications.
文章引用:侯建峰, 曹伟承, 韩畅, 徐娅微. 基于部位识别的新媒体应用案例[J]. 计算机科学与应用, 2017, 7(11): 1101-1106. https://doi.org/10.12677/CSA.2017.711124


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