The Connotation Evolution of the Technologic Innovation Model and Technologic Innovation Capability of Enterprise
DOI: 10.12677/ASS.2017.611208, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,457  浏览: 2,509  国家科技经费支持
作者: 王昌林:重庆科技学院工商管理学院,重庆
关键词: 技术创新能力环境动态性内涵演进企业Technological Innovation Capabilities Environmental Dynamism Connotation Evolution Enterprises
摘要: 文章从当代技术创新过程模式及其特征分析入手,分析了技术创新能力内涵和构成特征的演化发展,认为技术创新过程模式、技术创新能力与创新环境具有协同演进的过程,企业技术创新能力内涵的演变同企业创新内外环境的变化密切相关。
Abstract: This paper starts with the analysis of the process mode and characteristics of the contemporary technological innovation, and analyzes the evolution and development of the connotation and characteristics of technological innovation capability. As a result, this paper regards that the model of technological innovation, technological innovation capability and innovation environment are a process of co-evolution. The evolution of the concept connotation of technological innovation capability is closely related to the changes of the internal and external innovation environment.
文章引用:王昌林. 企业技术创新模式与技术创新能力内涵演进[J]. 社会科学前沿, 2017, 6(11): 1487-1492.


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