Optimization of Amorphous Silicon Thin Film Solar Cells Production Process
摘要: 在玻璃衬底非晶硅薄膜太阳电池的生产工艺中,第二道激光刻划、溅射AZO背反射膜,溅射Al背电极及第三道激光刻划等工序,对电池板输出功率有着重要影响。本研究通过Minitab软件设计因子试验,针对玻璃衬底非晶硅薄膜太阳电池生产工艺参数进行优化。试验结果表明,在一定范围内,Al背电极溅射功率对电池板功率影响最大,随着溅射功率的增大电池板功率增加;随着第三道激光刻划电流、AZO背反射膜溅射功率以及Ar流量的增加,电池板输出功率增加;而随着第二道激光刻划电流的增加电池板功率下降。最后得到最佳的生产工艺参数。
Abstract: During the glass substrate amorphous silicon thin film solar cell production process, the laser scribe 2, sputtering AZO back reflected film, sputtering Al film, and laser scribe 3 etc. processes, have great effect on the maximum power (Pmax) of the solar cell. In this paper, we use Minitab software to design factorial experiment and optimize the process parameters. By analyzing the experimental data, we get the conclusion that, between an acceptable range, the sputtering power of Al film has the greatest effect on the Pmax of the solar cell, which increases while the sputtering power increases,and the Pmax increases as the current of laser scribe 3, puttering power of Al films and flux of Ar increase. Otherwise, Pmax decreases as the current of laser scribe 2 increases. By using the factorial experiment, we get the optimum parameters of the process for the present production line.
文章引用:王彩娜, 张宁, 于冬安, 邱美艳, 刘自然, 邹贺祥. 非晶硅薄膜太阳电池生产工艺的优化[J]. 应用物理, 2011, 1(1): 27-31. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/app.2011.11004


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