The Model of Price Adjustment Mechanisms Focus on Small-Scale Agricultural Products
摘要: 近几年中国小宗农产品市场价格出现了较大的波动现象,严重影响了中国小宗农资产品的市场稳定。本文致力于构建小宗农产品的价格变动机制。尤其是在出现非常态的价格变动现象时,运用小宗农产品的价格变动机制保证小宗农产品的价格水平保持在相对稳定的状态。
Abstract: In recent years, prices of Chinese small-scale agricultural product market careen a larger fluctuation, which has seriously affected China’s small-scale agricultural products market’s stability. This paper focuses on building a mechanism to indicate the price movements of agricultural products. Especially in the event of ab- normal phenomenon of prices’ shock, using price adjustment mechanism to ensure that the price level of small- scale agricultural products remain relatively stable condition.
文章引用:郑文, 汪孔望. 小宗农产品的价格变动机理模型[J]. 现代市场营销, 2011, 1(3): 55-59. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/mom.2011.13011


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