Research of Ocean Battlefield Simulation System Based on GPU
DOI: 10.12677/CSA.2012.24032, PDF,  被引量 下载: 3,377  浏览: 8,138 
作者: 邵 刚*, 姜 华*:中国人民解放军总参谋部第六十研究所
关键词: 海战场仿真GPU Ocean Battlefield; Simulation; GPU
摘要: 海战场环境仿真是海军作战模拟的重要内容,逼真的战场环境实时仿真是作战模拟的基础,它为保障、分析、作战评估等试验提供了仿真平台。本文采用GPU的编程技术,研制开发高度逼真的海洋战场视景仿真系统。
Abstract: The Simulation of naval battlefield environment is very important in fighting simulation system. The vivid and real-time simulation of ocean battlefield environment is the base of fighting simulation system, which offers a very nice simulation platform for fighting evaluating. This paper that used GPU program technique, researches how to develop more realistic simulation system of ocean battlefield.
文章引用:邵刚, 姜华. 基于GPU的海战场环境研究[J]. 计算机科学与应用, 2012, 2(4): 178-183. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/CSA.2012.24032
