The Design of Battery Temperature Feedback System in New Energy Vehicle Based on the Theory of TRIZ
DOI: 10.12677/CSA.2012.22017, PDF, HTML, 下载: 4,175  浏览: 9,916 
作者: 刘清越:南京邮电大学;刘宏杰:南京普天通信股份有限公司
关键词: TRIZ理论进化论技术矛盾动力电池单片机DS18B20The Theory of TRIZ; Evolution; Technical Contradiction; Battery System; Single-Chip Microprocessor; DS18B20
摘要: 本文分析了TRIZ(俄文теории решения изобретательских задач的英文音译Teoriya Resheniya Izo- breatatelskikh Zadatch的缩写,其英文全称是Theory of the Solution of Inventive Problems发明问题解决理论)理论与方法的主要内容,阐述了TRIZ的基本思想和方法体系,通过实例说明TRIZ在新能源汽车动力电池改进中的应用。本文从TRIZ理论的技术系统进化体系出发,通过各项图表分析汽车行业的发展现状,得出新能源汽车动力电池系统的研究是有实际价值并且迫在眉睫的。其次,用TRIZ理论指导新能源汽车动力电池的改进。采用矛盾矩阵和分离原理,将电池系统与新能源汽车系统中分离开来,单独研究温度对动力电池系统的作用。分析其存在的技术矛盾,利用矛盾矩阵找到解决方法。分析其存在的物理矛盾,采用系统分离原理,将温度解决问题并入子系统解决。并通过51单片机的知识和DS18B20温度传感器得出解决方案。最后,利用Proteus仿真软件实现对解决方案的验证。
Abstract: This essay analyzed main points of the theory of TRIZ (Theory of the Solution of Inventive Problems), and searched for the fundamental thoughts and methods. It also used this theory to improve the battery system in the new energy verticals. Firstly, this essay used the theory of evolution from TRIZ to analyze different kinds of graphs which show the current development of cars. And this research showed that it is valuable to search for the field of the battery system also it is really immediately to do so. Secondly, it used the theory of TRIZ to lead to the improvement of battery system in the new energy vertical. We separated the battery system from the vertical by using the contradiction matrix and analysis the effect of temperature alone. We raised the technical contradiction in the battery system and using the contradiction matrix to solve the contradiction we found. Also we raised the physical contradiction in the battery system and use the principle of separating to leave the problem of temperature in the subsystem. In the end we use the knowl- edge of 51 SCM and temperature sensor DS18B20 to solve the problem and use the Proteus to make the plan reality.
文章引用:刘清越, 刘宏杰. 基于TRIZ理论的新能源汽车电池温控系统设计[J]. 计算机科学与应用, 2012, 2(2): 90-95. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/CSA.2012.22017
