Research on the Ecological Aesthetic Value of Information Visualization Design
摘要: 信息可视化设计作为自然知识科普的有力工具,不仅在功能层面上为环境保护带来益处,还在审美层面上对生态不友好的观念进行了修正。本文以希拉•林托特的生态友好型美学为理论基础,通过文献资料总结和个案分析,从审美价值、认知价值、传播价值三个维度阐述信息可视化设计的生态美学价值,为生态领域的信息可视化设计研究提供参考。
Abstract: Information visualization design, as a powerful tool for the popularization of nature knowledge, not only brings benefits to environmental protection on the functional level, but also corrects the ecologically unfriendly concept on the aesthetic level. Based on Sheila Lintott’s eco-friendly aesthetics as the theoretical foundation, this paper elaborates on the Eco-aesthetic value of information visualization design from three dimensions of aesthetic value, cognitive value, and communication value through the summary of literature and case study analysis, so as to provide a reference for the research of information visualization design in the ecological field.
文章引用:刘峰, 张思悦. 信息可视化设计的生态美学价值研究[J]. 设计, 2024, 9(1): 14-21.


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