From the Menus to the Tags: Characteristics, Background and Enlightenment of the Fluent User Interface
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2012.23024, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 3,409  浏览: 10,843 
作者: 耿 丽*, 钟柏昌*:南京师范大学教育科学学院
关键词: 菜单交互流畅用户界面标签交互Menus Interface; Fluent User Interface; Tags Interface
摘要: 流畅用户界面(Fluent User Interface,简称FUI)所采用的标签(Tags)交互相比传统的菜单(Menus)交互有较为鲜明的特点,在人机界面的发展历史上的具有重要意义,如今已被各大软件厂商纷纷效仿。本文剖析了菜单交互与流畅用户界面的特点,从转变背景与转变原因上分析了两种交互方式的转变以及对软件人机交互界面设计带来的启示。
Abstract: Compared with the traditional menus interaction, Fluent User Interface (referred to as “FUI”), which is based on the tags interaction, has distinctive characteristics. FUI is of great significance in the history of the development of the Human-Computer Interface, and it has now been followed by a number of big software vendors one after another. This article firstly analyzes the characteristics of the two Human-Computer interface, then analyzes the transformation of them mainly from the two aspects: transformation background and the causes. The enlightenment of the Fluent User Interface is given in the end of the article.
文章引用:耿丽, 钟柏昌 (2012). 从菜单到标签:流畅用户界面的特点、背景与启示. 心理学进展, 2(3), 149-153. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/AP.2012.23024


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