Design and Implement of Embedded Soft Keyboard and Chinese Pinyin Input Method on QT_E
DOI: 10.12677/CSA.2013.31002, PDF, HTML, 下载: 4,473  浏览: 9,924 
作者: 吴 静*, 叶 桦*, 林志勇:东南大学自动化学院
关键词: QT_E嵌入式软件盘拼音输入法QT_E; Embedded; Soft Keyboard; Pinyin Input Method
摘要: 视频监控终端主要用于实现视频的采集显示、音频的采集播放、音视频编码存储传输、接收GPS信号和报警等功能。为了方便完成嵌入式视频监控终端的各种参数和字符的配置,需要在现场液晶显示屏上实现嵌入软键盘及相应的中文输入法。本文基于QT_E软件开发平台,采用信号槽机制和布局管理器技术,完成了软键盘的布局和软键盘的设计;采用txt字库搜索技术,实现了中文拼音输入法。应用结果表明了所用方案的可行性。
Abstract: Video surveillance terminal is mainly used for video acquisition and display, audio collection and playback, audio and video encoding, storage transmission, reception of GPS signals and alarm functions. In order to complete the various parameters and character configuration of the embedded video surveillance terminal, it is needed to implement embedded soft keyboard and corresponding Chinese input method on the scene LCD. Based on QT_E software development platform, this paper takes signal slot mechanism and layout management technology to complete soft keyboard layout and design of the soft keyboard, and also takes the txt font search technology to develop Chinese Pinyin input method. The application results show the feasibility of the scheme.
文章引用:吴静, 叶桦, 林志勇. 基于QT_E的嵌入式软键盘和中文拼音输入法的设计与实现[J]. 计算机科学与应用, 2013, 3(1): 6-10. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/CSA.2013.31002
