Research on Vulnerability of Optical Network Geographical Distribution with Protected Scheme
摘要: 通过分析光网络的保护模式,提出了在保护模式下如何评估网络脆弱区域的模型。根据评估模型,在文献[1]算法的基础上,提出了保护模式下求解地理分布光网络脆弱区域的近似算法——MAXEDL算法。以此为基础,在高斯攻击情况下对实际网络拓扑进行仿真,仿真结果表明,MAXEDL算法能有效地解决实际的网络拓扑的脆弱性问题,且算法的复杂度比文献[1]明显降低。
Abstract: Analyzing the protection of the optical network model, this paper proposed how to evaluate optical network vulnerability assessment of regional model. Based on the evaluation model and reference [1], an approximation algorithm called MAXEDL algorithm is proposed to find optical network of geographical distribution vulnerability area under the protection model. Based on this, the actual network topology is used to simulate under the Gaussian attack. The results show that MAXEDL algorithm can solve the vulnerability of the actual network effectively while the complexity of algorithm is lower than reference [1].
文章引用:王鲸鱼, 张引发, 彭炳斌, 廖晓敏, 刘涛, 李娟. 基于保护方案的光网络地理分布脆弱性研究[J]. 光电子, 2013, 3(1): 6-9. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/OE.2013.31002