Measuring Risk-taking Attitude of Undergraduates: A combination of Go/NoGo association task with ERP recordings
DOI: 10.12677/ap.2011.12013, PDF, HTML, 下载: 3,938  浏览: 10,489 
作者: 贺音:首都师范大学;张钦*:首都师范大学教育学院心理系;赵国凤:首都师范大学硕士研究生
关键词: 冒险内隐态度Go/NoGo联想任务事件相关电位(ERP)Risk–taking; Implicit attitude; Go/NoGo association task (GNAT); event-related potential (ERP)
摘要: 本研究将冒险行为分为社会许可冒险行为和问题行为,采用Go/NoGo联想任务和事件相关电位(ERP)技术探讨了处于当代的一些中国大学生对这两类冒险行为的态度。行为结果表明,被试对冒险行为词-消极词联结的感受性显著大于冒险行为词-积极词联结。ERP结果表明,在冒险词呈现后140-300ms时窗,与积极词联结的冒险词比与消极词联结的冒险词诱发了更大的P200。在400-700ms时窗,与积极词联结的问题行为词比与消极词联结的问题行为词诱发了更大的LPP,但是,社会许可冒险行为词没有表现出类似的ERP效应。本研究结果意味着,无论是社会许可冒险行为还是问题行为,被试对它们的评价都是相对消极的。并且,对冒险行为的消极评价可能影响了被试对冒险词的早期语义加工和后期的刺激分类过程。
Abstract: The present research employed implicit Go/NoGo association task and ERP measurement to investigate undergraduates’ attitude for the permitted and unpermitted risk–taking behaviors. The behavioral results showed that the undergraduates’ attitude for two kinds of risk-taking behaviors was negative. Meantime, our ERP results indicated that the words representing risk-taking behaviors evoked larger P200 when they were associated with positive words than when they were associated with negative words in the 140-300 ms time window after words onset. This P200 effect didn’t interacted with the type of risk-taking behaviors. During 400-700ms time window, the words representing unpermitted risk-taking behaviors evoked larger LPP when they were associated with positive words than when they were associated with negative words. However, no similar LPP effect was found for permitted risk-taking behaviors. These results suggest that negative attitude of undergraduates for the risk-taking behaviors possibly influences on early semantic processing and late stimuli categorization. The positive social evaluation for permitted risk–taking behaviors also maybe impacts on the stimuli categorization.
文章引用:贺音, 张钦, 赵国凤 (2011). 测量大学生的冒险态度:Go/NoGo联想任务与ERP记录的结合. 心理学进展, 1(2), 83-90. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/ap.2011.12013


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