Study on the Measures of Transportation Demand Management for Nanjing YOG
DOI: 10.12677/OJTT.2013.23038, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 2,971  浏览: 7,566 
作者: 余跃武*:同济大学交通运输工程学院,上海
关键词: 交通管理、青奥会交通需求管理Transportation Management; Youth Olympic Games; Transportation Demand Management
摘要: 本文先从南京市目前及青奥会期间可能的交通需求出发,论证青奥会期间采取交通需求管理的必要性,并进行目标性分析,结合各届奥运会、首届青奥会等大型活动举办期间成功实施的交通需求管理措施和南京市实际情况,从土地利用规划、城市交通综合规划和交通管理与监控三个层次全面的对青奥会期间所应采取的交通需求管理对策进行系统分析,最后就交通需求管理措施做了几点思考。
Abstract: This paper begins with the Youth Olympic Games in Nanjing during the current and potential traffic demand, argumentation taken during YOG necessity of transportation demand management, and conduct targeted analysis, combined with sessions of the Olympic Games, the first Youth Olympic Games and other major events held during successful implementation of traffic demand management measures and the actual situation in Nanjing, from land-use planning, urban transport planning and traffic management and comprehensive monitoring on three levels of comprehensive YOG should be taken during transport demand management measures for system analysis, the final on traffic demand management measures do Thoughts.
文章引用:余跃武. 面向青奥会的南京市交通需求管理探究[J]. 交通技术, 2013, 2(3): 206-209. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/OJTT.2013.23038