A Study on the Attitude and Behavior of Green Consumption of Residents in City and Countryside
DOI: 10.12677/MOM.2013.34006, PDF, HTML, XML,  被引量 下载: 3,388  浏览: 11,882 
作者: 林育则:辅仁大学企业管理学系;夏康宁:元智大学管理学院;洪诗青:亚洲大学经营管理学研究所
关键词: 城乡居民绿色消费态度绿色消费行为Residents in City and Countryside; Green Consumption Attitude; Green Consumption Behavior
摘要: 本研究旨在了解“城乡”居民之绿色消费态度与绿色消费行为,并探讨不同的背景变项、独立性价值观及自利道德价值观对绿色消费态度与绿色消费行为的影响,以及绿色消费态度与绿色消费行为间的关系。对大台北都会区以及南投各乡镇两地区作调查,各发放350份问卷,有效问卷625份,结果显示城乡居民整体绿色消费态度为正向;背景变项中的性别、年龄、教育程度、职业,与绿色消费态度有显着差异;月收入与居住地则无显着差异;在绿色消费行为方面,城乡居民整体绿色消费行为均为正向的,其中唯“拒用原则”分数偏低;绿色消费态度与绿色消费行为呈现显着正相关;居民的社会独立性越低,其绿色消费的态度与行为的表现愈正向;居民的自利道德感愈低,其绿色消费的态度与行为的表现愈正向。
Abstract:  This study focuses on the behavior of residents in city and country. The effects of different background variables, personal independent character and egoistic morality on green consumption attitude and behavior are also discussed. 350 questionnaires were sent to each zone and 625 usable questionnaires were returned. 625 usable questionnaires a number of findings: First, the overall green consumption attitude of residents in city and countryside was positive. Among background variables, sex, age, level of education and professions were significantly different from green consumption attitude; monthly income and living areas weren’t. Second, the overall green consumption attitude of residents in city and countryside was positive, except “Reuse” scored lower. Among background variables, sex, age and professions were significantly different from green consumption attitude; income, level of education and living areas weren’t. Third, green consumption attitude and green consumer behavior showed positive correlation. Fourth, the lower personal independent character that the residents showed, the more positive green consumption attitude and green consumer behavior they showed. Fifth, the lower personal egoistic morality that the residents showed, the more positive green consumption attitude and green consumer behavior they showed.
文章引用:林育则, 夏康宁, 洪诗青. 城乡居民价值观对绿色消费态度及行为之关系研究[J]. 现代市场营销, 2013, 3(4): 29-39. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/MOM.2013.34006


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