Applying Text Mining to Analyze the Internationalization Levels of Universities in Taiwan
DOI: 10.12677/SSEM.2012.23B003, PDF, HTML, 下载: 2,608  浏览: 8,189 
作者: 赖宏峯*, 陈秀英, 黄淑惠, 林蕙玫, 郭竣玮:联合大学经营管理学系,苗栗市,台湾, 中国
关键词: 文件探勘国际化网络化 Text Mining; Internationalization; Internetization


Abstract: In the era of globalization, the university managers face more challenges such as international competition, rapidly changing education market. Internationalization of education has become an important strategy for education managers to adopt. Internetization is necessary conditions for Universities to carry out internationalization. The campus information portal, which supports an exchanging platform for other country’s potential students and scholars through information transparency, has become observation focus of internationalization of university. The completeness of campus information portal is a necessary condition for internationalization. In this paper, we focus on general university in Taiwan, screening with five or more college. The source documentaries text are collected from the campus information portal in English version, and apply text mining techniques to analyze the internationalization levels and clusters of universities in Taiwan. The results might help university administrators to improve or enhance the internationalization levels, and provide reference for mutual learning between universities.

文章引用:赖宏峯, 陈秀英, 黄淑惠, 林蕙玫, 郭竣玮. 利用文件探勘技术分析台湾普通大学的国际化层次[J]. 服务科学和管理, 2013, 2(3): 11-15. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/SSEM.2012.23B003


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