Review on Energy Consumption Evaluation Index and Energy Saving of University Campus
DOI: 10.12677/HJCE.2014.34015, PDF, HTML,  被引量 下载: 3,205  浏览: 8,490 
作者: 崔 晶:河北联合大学建工学院,唐山
关键词: 校园能耗评价指标体系节能Campus Energy Consumption Evaluation Index Energy Efficiency
摘要: 建筑节能是我国现阶段节能减排的首要任务,而校园建筑能耗占建筑总能耗的比重日益增大,成为了建筑节能中的重中之重。本文首先对国内高校的能耗进行分析,进而归纳总结了几种国内外可用于校园建筑的能耗评价指标及研究方法;同时以各知名大学为例列举了其在校园节能方面所做的措施,并对未来构建绿色校园提出了一些展望。
Abstract: Building energy efficiency is the primary task of energy conservation of the present stage, and campus building energy consumption accounts for an increasing proportion of total energy con-sumption, which has become a top priority in building energy efficiency. This paper summarizes the energy evaluation indexes that can be used in several campus building at home and abroad and research methods. At the same time with the famous university as an example, it enumerates its energy saving measures made in the campus, and puts forward some prospects for building a green campus in the future.
文章引用:崔晶. 高校校园能耗评价指标与节能综述[J]. 土木工程, 2014, 3(4): 122-127. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/HJCE.2014.34015


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