Totem Worship in Shanhaijing Xishanjing
DOI: 10.12677/OJHS.2014.24009, PDF, HTML, 下载: 3,499  浏览: 10,858 
作者: 赵 婷, 韩 锋:曲阜师范大学历史文化学院,曲阜
关键词: 西山经名物图腾崇拜Xishanjing Antique Totem Worship
摘要: 《山海经》是先秦时期的古籍,里面记载了有关植物、动物、矿物、医学、天文地理、宗教、历史、民族、部落等方面的内容。本文通过对《西山经》中出现的一些名物的研究,讨论了上古时期出现的图腾崇拜现象。《西山经》中出现的图腾与当时自然环境及当地的先民生活习俗有密切关系。这种社会现象是先民们认识自然、崇拜自然的变现,体现了人与自然和谐发展的思想观念,对于我们现今社会仍有重大意义。
Abstract: Shanhaijing is one of the ancient books in the pre-Qin period, which records plants, animals, min-erals, medicines, astronomy, geography, history, religion, ethnic, tribe and so on. This paper mainly aims at researching antique appearing in Xishanjing and the discussion in ancient totem worship phenomenon. There is a close relationship between totem that appears in Xishanjing and the natural environment and living of the local people’s custom. This kind of phenomenon is ancestors’ understanding of the nature and nature worship. It reflects the concept of harmonious development of man and nature which still has great significance for the present society.
文章引用:赵婷, 韩锋. 《山海经•西山经》中的图腾崇拜[J]. 历史学研究, 2014, 2(4): 84-89. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/OJHS.2014.24009


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