Insight into the Formation and Development of the Self through the Research of Self-Reference Effect
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2014.46100, PDF, HTML, 下载: 2,675  浏览: 11,672 
作者: 石金红, 侯海娇:西南大学心理学部,重庆
关键词: 自我参照效应自我年龄发展Self-Reference Effect Self Life Stages
摘要: 近年来,人们逐渐把自我参照效应转变为一种探索自我的本质及其与记忆的关系的工具。因此,本综述试图通过梳理国内外正常群体儿童期、成年期、老年期三个年龄阶段自我参照效应的相关研究,来推断自我的形成与发展过程。综合各研究得出:1) 自我参照效应是一种强健的记忆优势效应,并且随着年龄增长而呈现出发展的趋势;2) 自我的发展与自我参照效应的发展具有部分阶段的对应性,自我的发展与成熟是自我参照效应产生的基础,并且正常的人际交往和情感满足是影响自我发展的重要因素。
Abstract: In recent years, the mechanism of self-reference effect (SRE) has gradually converted from the re-search object to a tool to explore the relationship between the nature of self and memory. Thus, from the studies of self-reference effect among three life stages (children, adults and the olds) in normal groups domestic and overseas, this review attempts to see the process of self formation and development through indirect inference. On the basis of research results of various scholars, the author pointed out that: 1) SRE means a superior memory effect, and increases with age; 2) at some stages the development of self is correspondent with the self-reference effect which is based on the development and maturity of self, and normal interpersonal communication and emotional satisfaction are key factors in development of self.
文章引用:石金红, 侯海娇 (2014). 透过自我参照效应的研究来看自我的形成与发展. 心理学进展, 4(6), 759-765. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/AP.2014.46100


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