Construction of Molecular Biology Secondary Database Resources Platform
DOI: 10.12677/CSA.2014.412044, PDF, HTML, 下载: 2,422  浏览: 8,717  科研立项经费支持
作者: 杨 勇, 杜 晶, 曹兴芹:新疆师范大学,计算机科学技术学院,乌鲁木齐
关键词: 生物信息学分子生物二次数据库BioPerlMVC模型Bioinformatics Molecular Biology Secondary Database BioPerl MVC Model
摘要: 在生物信息学中,建立生物二次数据库可以针对特定物种进行更深入的研究。针对分子生物学二次数据库资源平台的构建的迫切需要,利用biosql构建了分子生物学二次数据库,运用tomcat 6.0 + Myeclipse + mysql技术,MVC开发模式,实现了以抗逆基因为例的web资源数据库平台。该平台解决了分子生物二次数据库的构建与抗逆基因数据自动获取,能及时接受研究者数据的上传和抗逆基因的快速检索。该平台同样可以应用到其他类别的分子生物,加快了对某一范围内分子生物学的研究,使研究更具针对性。
Abstract: In bioinformatics, bio-secondary databases can build more in-depth study of specific species. Re-sponse to the urgent need to build a platform for molecular biology secondary database resources, molecular biology secondary database was constructed by using biosql, using tomcat 6.0 + Myec-lipse + mysql technology, MVC development model, in order to achieve a gene as an example of re-silience web resource database platform. The establishment of the secondary database of molecular biology and the automatic acquisition of the stress resistance genetic data can be solved by this platform. The platform can timely accept the data upload and the fast retrieval of stress resistance genes from researchers. It can also be applied to other types of molecular biology, accelerates re-search on a range of molecular biology and makes the research more targeted.
文章引用:杨勇, 杜晶, 曹兴芹. 分子生物学二次数据库资源平台的构建[J]. 计算机科学与应用, 2014, 4(12): 323-332. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/CSA.2014.412044


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