On the Positive Role That Experience-Type Activity Plays in the Cross-Cultural Adaptation of Foreign Students from Taiji
DOI: 10.12677/AE.2015.52004, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 2,830  浏览: 8,433 
作者: 付 昕:中国政法大学国际教育学院,北京
关键词: 留学生太极拳体验式活动跨文化适应Foreign Students Taiji Experience-Type Activity Cross-Cultural Adaptation
摘要: 随着我国改革开放的深入和经济的快速增长,来华留学人数迅速上升。教育部已将接受和培养海外学生的数量和质量作为衡量高等学校国际化程度的重要指标。近年来,在留学生的学习生活中出现了各种各样的突发事件,且呈缓慢上升趋势,为我们的留学生管理工作敲响了警钟。如何帮助留学生应对留学所带来的文化冲击,适应异国环境下的学习生活,减轻留学生跨文化适应的压力,是我们面临的重要任务。本文从留学生自身特点入手,针对留学生跨文化适应的种种问题及做法,寻找解决之策。中华文化是吸引留学生来华学习的重要原因之一,习练太极拳等体验式活动有助于留学生的跨文化适应。文章建议对如何发挥习练太极拳等活动在发展和促进高校留学生素质教育中的积极作用予以深入研究。
Abstract: With the deepening of China’s reform and her rapid economic growth, the number of foreign stu-dents to China has been on quick rise, and China’s Ministry of Education has taken the quantity of foreign students and the quality of their education as an important parameter in weighing the de-gree of internationalization for higher-learning institutes. In recent years, there have been various emergencies occurred amongst the foreign students in China, and the number of cases has been on the rise, which gives an alarm to the related management. It has become an important task for the management staff of foreign students to help them face the cultural shock brought about by their study in China, get accustomed to their new life, and reduce the pressure of their cross-cultural adaptations. The paper starts from the characteristics of foreign students, and tries to seek a solu-tion to the problems encountered by them in their cross-cultural adaptations in China. The paper points out that traditional Chinese culture is one essential factor in attracting foreign students, and experience-type activities, such as the practice of Taiji, is conducive to their cross-cultural adaptations. It also suggests that more study should be done on the positive role that activities like Taiji plays in promoting the quality education of foreign students.
文章引用:付昕. 从习练太极拳看体验式活动对留学生跨文化适应的作用[J]. 教育进展, 2015, 5(2): 17-21. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/AE.2015.52004


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