The Reasons for the Decline of the French Communist Party since the 1980s and Its Enlightenment
DOI: 10.12677/ASS.2015.43022, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 2,103  浏览: 8,927 
作者: 贾晓平:南京师范大学公共管理学院,江苏 南京
关键词: 法国共产党衰落中国共产党启示The French Communist Party Decline The Chinese Communist Party Revelations
摘要: 法国共产党是西方最具代表性的共产主义政党之一,有着光荣的革命传统和历史。但从20世纪80年代开始,法国共产党以或快或慢的速度衰落成为不争的事实。世纪之交,法共多舛的命运是内外因相互作用的结果。在当代世界社会主义运动和对资本主义国家共产党的研究均处于低潮的情况下,对法国共产党的衰落原因进行探究,不仅是为了加深对国际共产主义的认识,更是为了给执政的中国共产党提供启示。
Abstract: The French communist party is one of the most representative Western communist parties, which has a glorious revolutionary tradition and history. However, since the early 1980s, there has been an indisputable fact that the PCF is fading with fast or slow speed. At the turn of the century, the unfortunate fate of French Communist is the result of interaction of both internal and external causes. The contemporary socialist movement and the study on the communist party in capitalist countries are at a low ebb. Under these circumstances, the aim of the research on the reasons for the recession of the PCF is not only in order to deepen the understanding of international communism, but also to provide some revelations for the Communist Party of China.
文章引用:贾晓平. 20世纪80年代以来法国共产党衰落的原因及启示[J]. 社会科学前沿, 2015, 4(3): 149-156. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/ASS.2015.43022


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