Analysis of New Model of Environmental Education in Universities—Take Fujian Province as an Example
DOI: 10.12677/SD.2016.61007, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 2,135  浏览: 6,070  科研立项经费支持
作者: 冯 杰, 程令伟:福州大学经济与管理学院,福建 福州
关键词: 环境教育三元空间绿色学校Environmental Education Three Dimensions Green School
摘要: 面对日益恶化的自然环境,人们意识到进行环境教育,提升大众的环境意识是解决环境问题的根本途径。党的十八届五中全会将“绿色”作为“十三五”规划的重要理念,具有十分深远的意义。福建省植被覆盖率达61%以上,长久以来,福建省将生态文明大省作为自己的发展目标,环境建设也取得了一定的成就。但仍存在很多问题,特别是在高校环境教育方面。分析福建省环境教育现实问题,结合福建省具体情况,提出高校环境教育发展的“三元空间”模式,以期助力福建省高校环境教育发展。
Abstract: In the face of the deteriorating natural environment, people get to realize that to carry on the en-vironmental education and enhance the public’s environmental consciousness is the fundamental way to solve the problem of environment. In the Fifth Plenum of the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the government regards “green” as an important concept of the “Thir-teenth Five-Plan”, which has very far-reaching significance. The vegetation coverage of Fujian province is above 61%, and for a long time, Fujian province attaches much importance to the eco-logical civilization and regards it as its own development goals, which makes some achievements in environmental construction. But there still remain many problems, especially in the exploration of university environmental education. According to the reality and current situation of envi-ronmental education in Fujian province, the model of “three dimensions” is put forward to boost the development of environmental education in universities in Fujian Province.
文章引用:冯杰, 程令伟. 高校环境教育新模式浅析—以福建省为例[J]. 可持续发展, 2016, 6(1): 55-64. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/SD.2016.61007


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