The Analysis of Spent Fluorescent Lamps for Disposal in China
DOI: 10.12677/SD.2016.62014, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 2,181  浏览: 4,639 
作者: 张嘉兴:北京工业大学,循环经济研究院,北京;陈 莎:北京工业大学,环境与能源工程学院,北京
关键词: 荧光灯废弃处置汞污染Fluorecent Lamps Disposal Mercury Pollution
摘要: 我国是世界上荧光灯生产和使用大国,废弃荧光灯的污染问题也越来越严重。本文分析了我国荧光灯的生产现状,废弃荧光灯研究进展,又对废弃荧光灯中的汞做了物质流分析。结果表明我国对废弃荧光灯的处置研究较少,尤其是在技术方面更是如此。据估算,2011年大概有15.04吨的汞流向了土壤中,0.63吨释放到了空气中,造成了巨大的环境污染。我们应该立即采取行动,从生产、消费和回收方面多管齐下,达到环境保护和资源节约的多项效益。
Abstract: China is one of the largest consumers and producers of fluorescent lamps in the world and has been facing a growing concern of mercury pollution. This study investigated conditions of production for fluorescent lamps, the previous research about spent fluorescent lamps and the mercury flow of fluorescent lamps in Mainland China using material flow analysis (MFA). The results indicated that there were not enough researches about spent fluorescent lamps, especially about the aspects of technology. The total amount of mercury emissions to the land and atmosphere was 15.04 and 0.63 tons in 2011, respectively. It is urgent to take actions associated with manufacturing, use and recycling to protect environment and save the resources.
文章引用:张嘉兴, 陈莎. 我国荧光灯的废弃处置研究分析[J]. 可持续发展, 2016, 6(2): 103-109. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/SD.2016.62014


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