The Analysis of Characteristics of Temperature and Precipitation in Nianchuhe Basin Nearly 50 Years
DOI: 10.12677/CCRL.2016.53020, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,856  浏览: 5,182 
作者: 次 旺, 卓 玛:西藏自治区气候中心,西藏 拉萨;次仁卓嘎:西藏自治区气象信息网络中心,西藏 拉萨;巴桑次仁:林芝地区波密县气象局,西藏 林芝;洛 旦:那曲地区申扎县气象局,西藏 那曲
关键词: 年楚河流域气温降水变化特征Nianchuhe Basin Temperature Precipitation Variation Characteristics
摘要: 本文采用江孜、浪卡子、日喀则3个代表站1965~2014年的气温、降水及气象灾害资料,分析年楚河流域近50年的气温降水变化特征表明:年楚河流域历年平均气温的年变化为−3.6℃~12.6℃,气温年较差小,最暖月平均气温为12.6℃,出现在6月份,最冷月平均气温−3.6℃,出现在1月份。流域近50年来降水量呈弱的增加趋势,增幅为9.6 mm/10a。年平均降水量为188.0~496.0 mm,1981~1983年连续3年遭受特大干旱,其中1982年江孜的农作物受旱成灾面积6139.1公顷,占江孜总播面积的76.7%。
Abstract: This paper adopts the temperature, precipitation and meteorological disaster data of three rep-resentative stations, Gyantse, Langkazi and Shigatse from 1965 to 2014. The analysis of variation characteristics of temperature and precipitation in Nianchuhe basin nearly 50 years indicates that the annual variation of average temperature is −3.6˚C - 12.6˚C. Annual range is small. The highest monthly average temperature is 12.6˚C in June and the lowest is −3.6˚C in January. The precipitation shows a small increasing trend in nearly 50 years for 9.6 mm/10a. The mean annual precipitation is 188.0 - 496.0 mm. There is a remarkable drought in 1981-1983. The disaster area of crops is 6139.1 hectare in 1982, which accounts for 76.7% of total area under crops in Gyantse.
文章引用:次旺, 卓玛, 次仁卓嘎, 巴桑次仁, 洛旦. 年楚河流域近50年气温、降水变化特征分析[J]. 气候变化研究快报, 2016, 5(3): 164-168. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/CCRL.2016.53020