The Spiritual Healing Factors of the Head-Hunting Customs of the Taiwanese Indigenous Peoples —A Case Study of the Atayal Tribe
DOI: 10.12677/ASS.2016.55109, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,745  浏览: 7,809 
作者: 王莉如, 杨明磊:私立淡江大学教育心理与咨商研究所,台湾 新北;阿将伊崮喜澜:国立台湾科技大学数位学习与教育研究所,台湾 台北
关键词: 台湾原住民族猎首习俗心灵疗愈泰雅族Taiwanese Indigenous Peoples Head-Hunting Custom Spiritual Healing Atayal Tribe
摘要: 本研究透过文献分析探讨早期台湾原住民族(泰雅族及太鲁阁族)之“猎首”习俗之动机、仪式与禁忌,并从中发掘隐含的心灵疗愈因子与其精神生活、族群观念与社会制度之间的关系。在探索的过程中,研究者发现原住民族的“祖灵信仰”教导其族人个人美德,人际行为,以及在家庭与社会的伦理准则。其中,泰雅族男子所承袭的“猎首”习俗,不只代表其依祖先所留下的gaga (规范与戒律),同时也是展现其个人勇气,能力,荣誉的象征。此外,泰雅族人透过重复性的“猎首”与仪式,提醒自己在族群中的角色,并且通过实践伦理和善尽责任来维系,转化或重整家族的秩序。他们仰赖祖灵的“神判”与庇佑来避免不幸之事端或可能导致的族群混乱或发展上的停滞。对泰雅族而言,“猎首”为“祖灵信仰”的一部分。身处艰困的环境当中,“猎首”习俗不仅为族人减缓生存压力,提供积极的生活态度,满足心灵上所需要的安定与和谐,还为他们提供预测未来,理解生命,以及找寻人类存在之终极意义的途径,同时,也借此维系与保存了部落的文化、传统与价值观。最后,期许本文能够促进读者对原住民族传统文化与多元文化保存议题的关注与讨论,并在不断追求科学与人文的融通中,消弭人们彼此之间的割裂与疏离,回归道德与心灵的圆满。
Abstract: This study analyzes literature to discuss the motives, rituals and taboos of the head-hunting cus-toms of the Taiwanese Indigenous Peoples during early times. Through such analysis, we aim to explore the relations between the implicit spiritual healing factors of the head-hunting customs and spiritual life, ethnic concepts and social systems of the Taiwanese Indigenous Peoples (the Atayal tribe, specifically). During the research process, we realize that the spiritual beliefs of the Taiwanese Indigenous Peoples bring about personal virtues, standards for interpersonal behavior, and the ethical criterion for family and social life. Among the head-hunting customs, the ones inherited by the Atayal men not only represent the gaga (norms and precepts) of their ancestors, but are also a display of personal courage, ability, and honor. Moreover, the Atayal people are reminded of their roles in their communities through repeated head-hunting customs and ceremonies. Through practicing their moral standards and fulfilling responsibility, they are able to maintain, convert, or reform family order. They rely on ancestral ordeal and blessing to avoid unfortunate incidents, confusion or stagnation in development. For the Atayal people, the head-hunting custom is a part of their ancestral belief. In difficult environments, head hunting customs are not only able to reduce survival pressure, but are also able to provide a positive attitude towards life, meet stability and spiritual needs, predict the future, and help the practitioners find a way to understand the ultimate meaning of human existence. Furthermore, it is able to maintain and conserve the culture, traditions and values of the tribes. Finally, we expect this study to help people pay attention to the traditional culture of the Taiwanese Indigenous Peoples and multicultural preservation issues. Through the constant pursuit of integrating the scientific and humanistic studies, it is possible to eliminate the fragmentation and alienation between individuals, and help each individual achieve moral and spiritual content.
文章引用:王莉如, 阿将伊崮喜澜, 杨明磊. 台湾原住民族“猎首”习俗的心灵疗愈因子—以泰雅族为例[J]. 社会科学前沿, 2016, 5(5): 775-783.


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