Policy Compliance in Disaster Management—Integrating Community into a Local Governance Model
DOI: 10.12677/ASS.2017.61004, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,603  浏览: 4,682 
作者: 庄淑琼:国立嘉义大学公共政策研究所,台湾 嘉义
关键词: 社区防救灾政策顺服地方治理公共参与Disaster Management Policy Compliance Local Governance Public Participation
摘要: 位于太平洋西北侧与台湾海峡之间,特殊的地理位置造成台湾年年都要面对台风的威胁。台风造成的风灾水患等灾情常使得社会责难政府未能充分响应人民的需求,民众对政府信任度下滑,各级政府的效能一再被质疑。政府单一治理能力的不足凸显灾害防救课题急需地方协力治理的重要性。本文以Kübler与Heinelt所提都会治理架构为参考,尝试建立一个以小区为主体强调参与的防救灾治理概念模型。本研究以风灾事件历史新闻报导,检视个别事件,观察受灾民众与政府灾害管理政策作为间之互动;并以嘉义市防灾小区为个案,透过现行小区防救灾行动的实践,检视在面临灾变危机时,小区如何能在治理架构下,协力政府提升政策效能与正当性,在政府统理能力与民众对政府的统理需求间进行动态整合,建构出具有社会资本实质内涵并具有危机响应能力的民主治理系统。
Abstract: Threats of typhoons to Taiwan have never been less; disasters and the resulting destruction of storms kill people, make lots of them homeless and cause devastated villages or cities, in which the residents are piling up their grievance protesting about the late and ineffective response from governments. Typhoons keep destroying infrastructures and people’s trust in governments, which signals an inefficient disaster management and highlights a governing crisis. This paper, with reference to the theoretical framework aiming at metropolitan governance by Kübler and Heinelt [1], tries to propose a conceptual model for participative governing in disaster management, with emphases on community level from the perspectives of policy compliance and public participation. Reviewing typhoons related disaster news reports, the author examines how residents interact with local governments responding to typhoons and look at those citizens’ compliance with regarding policies and regulations. The paper also explores a particular community on their efforts in disaster management trying to give a better description on the roles that communities could play in local governance.
文章引用:庄淑琼. 防救灾之政策顺服探究—小区与地方治理统合之可能模式[J]. 社会科学前沿, 2017, 6(1): 28-42. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/ASS.2017.61004


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