Design of Linear Phase FIR Filter Based on Eigenvector
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作者: 张心宇:西安电子科技大学附属中学,陕西 西安
关键词: 特征滤波器线性相位特征向量最小二乘Eigenfilter Linear Phase Eigenvector Least Squares
摘要: 本文将线性相位FIR滤波器的设计表示成一个实对称正定矩阵的特征问题。根据求解该矩阵的最小特征值所对应的特征向量来确定滤波器的系数。通过在通带取平均的方法,避免了参考频率的设定问题。仿真结果表明,该方法提高了特征滤波器法的设计性能。
Abstract: In this paper, the design of a linear phase finite impulse response filter is formulated as an eigen problem of a real, symmetric, positive-definite matrix. The unknown filter coefficients can be obtained by calculating the eigenvector corresponding to the minimum eigenvalue of the matrix. The modified method does not need a reference frequency point for normalization as done in traditional eigenfilters. Instead, average over the passband is carried out. Simulations show that the modified method leads to improved design performance.
文章引用:张心宇. 基于特征向量的线性相位FIR滤波器设计[J]. 无线通信, 2017, 7(1): 31-36. https://doi.org/10.12677/HJWC.2017.71005


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